.......this is a pic of disneyland,paris,france;space mountain rollercoaster(better than at orlando,fla); one of many "good" rollercoasters in paris; another "favorite" is the Indiana Jones Doom ride(they told me to take my "glasses" off for this one); Aerosmith Rock & Roller rollercoaster with music is another favorite; newly installed TOWER OF TERROR is not too shabby also; this was my trip #6 here and they were ALL GOOD....you never see paris for the last time; anticipating my next "visit" soon...also on this trip was a 2 day red bus "narrated" tour of the city;a "trip" to the TOP of the eiffel tower; and last (but NOT least) an evening "up FRONT" with my bucket of champaigne at the CRAZY HORSE SALOON...c'est la vie...
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