of special note;U.S.NAVY;1957...was assigned "shore patrol" while in the Rock of Gibraltar(had own hotel room for 3 days); while serving aboard the USS F.D.ROOSEVELT(CVA-42),the 4th largest aircraft in the world at that time;visiting such places as France;Spain;Italy;Greece;Greek islands of Rhodes and Corfu;and the Rock of Gibraltar......"swam with the sharks" in the Med Sea;drank wine in Barcelona,Spain;ate "pasta" in Italy;toured the "ruins" of Athens,Greece;rented bikes to "climb" the hills of Greece; and enjoyed the "can-can girls" of Paris; only disruption on the whole Med trip was a 38 day "general quarters" awaiting for my CDR H..M.SISK OPERATIONS DEPT to "declare" or NOT to "declare" WAR on Greece....it did NOT happen;so off to LIBERTY; WE WENT.....life is great.....c'est la vie.....YOU NEVER SEE PARIS FOR THE LAST TIME...the ONLY blemish on my U.S.NAVAL career was one disciplinary action("execs mast") because of a "fight" in the operations dept office with a co-worker I disliked IMMENSLY; WON the fight SO WAS AWARDED 30 days with NO LIBERTY (missed PALMA,SPAIN=my buddies tole me I didn't miss much)...was ALSO transferred into another division(X) on the ship...CHANGE OF SCENERY CAN BE GOOD...LIFE CAN BE A BITCH,,,, BUT FUN...
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