probably the most FUN day with this sportster was in AHRA dragracing at Wat tsburg,Penna "racing" against an A-GAS Willys coupe in LITTLE ELIMINATOR trophy run and just WINNING a photo finish at the END of the race and hearing the "crowd" CHEER...a "racer" doesn't forget moments like this...I loved being a "hot dog" at the racetrack...
THIS beautiful "classic" was TRAGICALLY "rolled over" 2&one-half times(landing on its roof). one night on a penna country road....what happened was I hit an oil patch on the road at the curve in the road and went OFF the road and back on AGAIN (@85mph) landing on the roof of the car...THANK GOD THE CONVERTIBLE TOP WAS door got jammed shut so I and my cousin had to BOTH leave by the far door...only injury was a cut on my hand(getting BLOOD all over my "light blue suit"....had to have it TOWED to a garage. and EXPLAIN to my parents that I"M ALLRIGHT..if you saw the car after you would have thought I would be DEAD....I guess I survived ANOTHER one of a cat's 9 LIVES....THANK YOU GOD, FOR LOOKING AFTER ME ONCE AGAIN...
an interesting thing happened while driving my "liquor" truck back from the KEYS,FLORIDA on the 7&one-half mile bridge(in the middle of the bridge) noticing that while on a one-way road both ways on this bridge that a winn-dixie truck driver coming at me from the other way was FALLING ASLEEP and HEADING TOWARDS ME; time NOT to panic(and scare him) but to SCRAPE PART OF THE WALL ON MY RIGHT and TAKE OUT ONLY MY MIRROR ON MY LEFT SIDE...WORKED OUT SAFELY(if it didn't I was HEADED FOR THE WATERS)...ended up driving the second-half of the bridge STANDING UP BECAUSE OF BROKEN GLASS ALL OVER MY TRUCK SEAT...the LESSER of two EVILS..never heard from that OTHER driver...had to explain to my BOSS in the morning....he was ONLY concerned about his TRUCK.....WHAT????
...this car's life "ended" when it was "totaled" one day right in front of my hollywood,fla apt while I was "gainfully employed" at PUBLIX...."MADE MY DAY"'s a BITCH, sometimes..